Providing energy advisory is a step taken by organizations like GAED Singapore to motivate people to conserve essential energy. In today's world, there is an increasing demand but decreasing supply of energy and this takes a great toll on the environment. It is therefore necessary that we come together to play our part in conserving energy in order to save the environment. Energy consumption over the past few years has only been increasing and its effects on the environment are alarming. Many international organizations like B Corporation are encouraging energy preservation and pushing for better energy solutions. These include advanced sustainable technologies but there are also very simple and easy energy conservation ways that any of us can practice. What is Energy Conservation? According to energysage, energy conservation is the practice of ”using less energy in order to lower costs and reduce environmental impact.”. This applies to any form of energy used by us in our everyday lives. This is especially important as resources are limited and we should all play our part in saving Mother Earth. Here are 5 simple and easy ways to conserve energy: - Switching off and unplugging appliances when not in Use - Wash dishes by hand - Assess monthly energy consumption - Use fans instead of air-conditioner - Adjust consumption behavior 1. Switching off and unplugging appliances when not in use Did you know that most appliances still use up electricity even if it is “switched off”? Up to 5 to 10 percent of electricity is being leeched off, thus the term “vampire energy”. To avoid these phantom losses, it is recommended to unplug sockets from the wall to completely cut electricity from the source. Another method is to use a power strip with switches as it’s also similar to unplugging a device from the source. Unplugging is a major help when it comes to preserving energy on the household scale. A small amount of energy can be a major source of waste when there are many appliances in the house. When put into action, a household can make a big difference in saving electricity bills. As directenergy pointed out, “while energy vampires do consume small amounts of electricity, a whole house full of them can add up to a noticeable amount on your monthly electric bill.” So how much can a household save when they unplug devices when unused? According to the Department of Energy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, It can be a lot. They estimate that the device is in constant use of energy of 1 watt that can cost up to 1 dollar per year. Add that to the devices that are the same and consume more, costs can pile up to 100 to 200 dollars in the average household. This could be equivalent to a month's worth of electricity bill in other households. 2. Wash dishes by hand Using dishwasher machines consume huge amounts of water and electricity. To preserve essential energy, a sustainable alternative is to wash dishes by hand. Not only does this save on electricity consumption, it helps to save water too as lesser amounts of water are used compared to dishwashers. 3. Assess monthly energy consumption If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Assessing your monthly energy consumption is a first step towards understanding energy conservation. As users monitor and determine their monthly rate, they will be able to plan and optimise their energy usage. Consider engaging energy advisory providers like GAED where they help to assess your current energy use habits, find areas for change, and offer recommendations based on your activities to help you save money and energy. With the correct energy assessment, consumers have the capacity to plan accordingly. 4. Use fans instead of air-conditioner Air conditioners are a major source of energy consumption. Fans use only 1 percent of the power compared to the power that air conditioners require. While it is true that sometimes fans are not enough for the hot weather, using it significantly costs less than utilizing the air conditioner. Some other advantages of using fans include: Fans have a lower upfront cost and do not require much maintenance. They also have longer shelf life. Using fans results in less carbon footprint and improves indoor air quality as they do not emit harmful gases and pollutants as compared to air conditioners. Portable fans are convenient and can be placed at different locations based on preferences or needs. 5. Adjust consumption behavior Smart appliances or energy saving technology devices are not the only energy conservation options; Just with small simple actions like turning off the lights is an effective way for you to save energy. While smart technology devices help with the goal of reducing energy consumption, you can also play a part in making small efforts to save energy and electricity in your homes or at your workplaces. These changes in behaviors and perspectives are the most important when it comes to energy conservation. Conserving energy is beneficial to you and the world Conserving energy does not only benefit us in terms of monetary savings. Energy conservation also helps save the environment and preserve our natural resources. By making small simple changes to your habits and lifestyles, you are taking a step forward to saving money, helping the environment, and even helping the future generation, all through simple energy-saving measures. Play your part today to conserve energy and protect Mother Earth! The post Providing Energy Advisory: What Can We Do To Conserve Energy In 5 Easy Steps? appeared first on GAED & published here with permission.